
Friday 22 March 2019

Jeffree the clown !

Jeffree the clown is a clown I sketched to use for the art exhibition our school is hosting. I decided to do a art piece on a clown because I liked the idea of scary/Halloween art, I enjoyed creating this wonderful art piece for the art exhibition. I had gotten the inspiration from penny wise the  clown then turned the clown in to my version of Jeffree the clown.
What did you think about the clown I created ?
If you were able to create your own clown what colors and shapes would you use to create a clown ? and what would you name him/her ?


  1. Hi Bridget. I really like the way you made the person reading the post get involved with it like asking the person questions. If I was to make a clown I would make it look like a happy with blue eyes and multi colour hair, I would call him Jeff the clown. Maybe next time you could add more information about the school exhibition is it a thing you do every year or some years?
    Haere Ra

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