
Friday 28 February 2020

Made In Taiwan!

~ Made In Taiwan ~

Made in Taiwan is a documentary dedicated to the people from each Polynesian Island, Oscar & Nathan start their adventure off by travelling from Mahi, New Zealand then they visited Rarotonga,Samoa, Vanuatu & Finally Taiwan. Through out their journey they discover their origins & their DNA results, they also learn more about the Pit people & where the Pita people originate from. 

My personal thoughts & opinion on this documentary about Oscar Knightley & Nathan Rarere visited five different countries to discover & get an understanding on where the people of 'Polynesia" really descended from. My personal thoughts on this documentary is honestly all good thoughts & positive feedback! I think that it's awesome that their wanting to go back from generation to generation to discover, where the first people of Polynesia really descended from. I feel as if not many Polynesians get this opportunity to explore & really get to feel where we (Polynesians) supposedly descended from. You really do get to learn more about our cultures & the similarities between us all. I think its really amazing that their wanting to share this with the rest of the Polynesians that are just as curious as themselves, so I really appreciate & love this documentary! I really do recommend this to all the young & old people that have Polynesian decedents!

Monday 24 February 2020

Blind Fold Train!

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Last Friday my class & I had our P.E session with Mr. Cunard one of the activities were "Blind Fold Train" The aim of the game was to have someone in your team that wasn't blind folded guide your team who was blind folded & get you from one destination to another. Coralee was our first leader to guide us through the Recreation Centre out to the field, then I was the next person who guided my team back into the Recreation Centre to finish it off.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Immigration In Social - Science!

~ Immigration in Social - Science ~
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Today in Social - Science we learned a bit about Immigration, & what it meant to us. Ms. Robertson gave us an activity to complete about Immigration, in this activity we were given words, that related towards Immigration, here's some words I learnt a bit about today! My definition personally of Immigration is a person who moves from one country to a foreign country to permanently stay. The definition of Emigrate is a people moving from a resident country to another country that is not foreign.
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